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Tue, October 22, 2024 View Cart: 0 Items  

News / Annoucement
News Title: iStore 4.0 Online Shopping Cart Now Availabe
iStore is the shopping system that covers all the needs for e-commerce web sites. iStore designed for ease of use and unprecedented power. With our step-by-step guide you can quickly and inexpensively build a secure storefront
to sell your products, take orders online and process payments over the Internet today!

Main Features:

A. StoreFront
  • Full online catalog system with search capability
  • Intuitive, straight forward shopping cart design
  • Completely ColdFusion based without components, dll or exe files
  • Source code version
  • Support for MS Access or SQL Server
  • Real-Time Tax and shipping cost calculation
  • E-mail order notifications and order updates
  • Customer notification of order shipment
  • Promotional Discounts
  • Customer Account Management
    • Collect customer information such as first name, last name, login, password, etc.
    • Allow returning customers to login, and account data is automatically retrieved from a previous registration
  • Order Tracking and review, allows your customers to track their orders 7 days a week/24 hours a day via the web with their login and password. This will allow your customer to be informed and reduce the number of phone calls.
  • Products display modes: 4 styles

B. Administration

  • Web based shop administration
  • Order Processing
  • Update order status to be viewed by your customer
  • User Order history reports
  • Printable user Order
  • Set the number of products to display per page in storefront
  • Define sales tax rates
  • News Editor
  • Payment Methods, Paypal, Check/ Bank Transfer, Credit card, ...
  • Unlimited number of categories
  • From a small shop with 10 products to a mail-order house with hundreds or thousands, this cart is all you need -- No limit to the number of products it can handle
  • Assign name, product code, short description, long description, images, price, options and additional optional and more to a product
  • New order notifications via email.
  • Allow Purchasing From Default Country Only (If Desired)
  • Improved speed and performance.
  • Database includes all countries of the world.
  • Quick installation and auto data file setup
  • No programming needed
  • Easy Install and setup.
  • Online Demo


  • ColdFusion 4.0 or 4.5 or 5.0
  • MS Access database support.


In order to use this code, you must have purchased a license for
each domain on which the code is run. Example:

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