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Tue, October 22, 2024 View Cart: 0 Items  

News / Annoucement
News Title: Upgraded Coldfusion 5.0
Good news! We have just upgraded our coldfusion 4.5 to coldfusion 5.0 and it has made the coldfusion server more stable and more reliable. We might upgrade to coldfusion MX in the future, but it is still under our planning. For security reason, we have disable certain coldfusion tag as following:

Enable CFCONTENT tag
Enable CFFILE tag
Enable CFOBJECT tag
Disable CFREGISTRY tag
Disable CFEXECUTE tag
Enable CFFTP tag
Enable CFLOG tag
Enable CFMAIL tag
Disable DBTYPE=DYNAMIC tag attribute
Disable CONNECTSTRING tag attribute

If you have found any problem of this upgrade, please let us know, we would like to work together with you to solve the problem.

Thank You.

Best Regards,
eCommerce Hosting Solutions

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