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Tue, October 22, 2024 View Cart: 0 Items  

News / Annoucement
News Title: OC3 Upgrade Completed
We have completed adding an additional OC3 from AT&T to our
network. This upgrade allows for a larger amount of bandwidth
available to our customers who reach our network through AT&T.

Our current bandwidth providers are AT&T (2 OC3's), Global
Crossing (OC3), UUNet (OC3 and DS3), and QWest (DS3).

Our DS3 with QWest has proved to be a quality connection since
it was activated in June, and we will be focusing on increasing
our capacity with QWest in the future.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Thank You.

Best Regards,
eCommerce Hosting Solutions

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